

Balderdash. Have you ever played? We hadn't either. Still haven't actually. Confused? Allow me to explain.

Balderdash, "The Classic Bluffing Game," is a game we played yesterday in the office. When we say played, we mean we made up our own rules. Same thing, right?

Basically, in Balderdash, you are supposed to make up funny stories, and make others think it's true. On a Balderdash card, there are 5 words or phrases. The first is a word that you are to make up a definition for, the second is a person you are to make up what they are "famous for," the third is an acronym you are to make up what it stands for, the fourth is a movie title that you are supposed to make up a plot for, and the fifth is a funny law that you are to fill in the blank.

We played. Card after card was drawn. Funny phrase, after funny name, after funny law. Laughter ensued. And then Kate McDowell drew the most epic card in the stack. Each category on this card is fantastic. I will go backwards.

law: In Alaska, no child may build..."A snowman that is taller than him or her."
Poor short Alaskan children. They have so much snow, yet their height hinders them from building a true, giant snowman.

movie: It Grow on Trees..."A happily married couple discovers that $10 bills are growing on trees in their backyard."
I'm going to Blockbuster today to find this ingenious film.

acronym: I.C.C.S...."International Cork Cutters' Society.
Travis is joining tomorrow.

person: Antoine Feuchtwanger..."He introduced the frankfurter wiener to America."
Thank you, man with impossible name to pronounce. You are our hero.

And then "Kokopolo" happened. What do you think it means? We would like to share with you what we each came up with.

Clare: means "GOOOOOALL" in a rare African language. (Imagine this- An African team shoots, they score, "KOKOPOLOOOOOOO")

Travis: a game played in a swimming pool by children in Nigeria where one player calls out "Koko" with his eyes closed and other players respond "Polo." (Imagine Marco Polo, but in African accents. And the word Koko is so much better than Marco.)

Greg: A tropical sport first played by shark wrestlers in which a ball is passed between players and thrown into a goal whilst riding sharks.

Greg won. But each definition was given special recognition.

Actual definition: "Fabled dragonfly who lured young girls by giving them moccasins."
WHAT?!!!? Creepiest bug ever.

That's all for today. We encourage you to watch the World Cup and yell KOKOPOLOOOO at each goal, and to play Koko-Polo whilst swimming in this warm, Texas heat. Oh, and if you like playing with sharks, uhh go for it. But we're not responsible for injuries.