
Brian's baseball Hall of Fame

Today, while searching Brian's office we stumbled upon his "1996 NBC Fantasy Baseball Champion" signed baseball. Yes, Brian is that very champion. He didn't have the skills to be a "real" baseball player, like our very own Travis Upham, high school baseball extraordinaire. Instead he followed his inner nerd and played fantasy baseball. We're so proud to be in the presence of a legend. This baseball we speak of is the baseball in the protective covering next to the singing rodent in the video.

We're unsure as to what species the rodent is, but we do know that he is the "DH," a phrase that has been clarified by the famous Travis Upham to mean "Designated Hitter." Why he wears a glove for this appointed position, we have not quite figured out, but we do know that his voice is equal to voice of angels. We could not be more kidding. It is the single-most annoying sound we've ever heard, especially since we listened to it far too many times because Clare kept messing up the video. It may look like a simple task, but we beg to differ.

Now we've decided to name this rodent, who we're going to guess is possibly a gerbil, a hamster, a mouse? Who knows. We dub him Dwight Harvilchuck in lieu of his initials. So check out the vid and see if you agree that this is the most annoying thing ever made. Why people even buy these singing rodents is a mystery to us. Cover your ears....seriously.

That's all for this boring Monday at the office. Peace.