
"Big Boy"

Today we looked around Brian's office and let's just say there are a few interesting things to write about. Today we encountered the BIG BOY piggy bank.

Big Boy
Height - 6 inches (with a good hair day)
Weight - 4 pounds (depending on amount of change)
Occupation - unknown. We suspect he is:
1) a waiter at Big Boy Burgers
2) a model for The Overall Emporium
3) an "Elvis" impersonator for Big Boy Records.
We're hoping number 2. There hasn't been a good overall model for quite some time. Everyone knows that a good pair of overalls is a man's best friend.

Take "Farmer Hick Ben" for example. That is one happy man in one nice looking pair of overalls.

We took a vote around the office and Big Boy won the modeling competition by a landslide. That's one handsome man.

That's all for today. We encourage you to go out and buy your own pair of overalls, but remember an undershirt always helps.